Waves, currents, and sediment transport rate were measured in a large-scale physical
model. Large differences were found in the cross-shore distribution and total sediment
transport rates between spilling and plunging breakers. Existing predictive equations did
not predict the total transport well and, with the exception of the Kamphuis (1991)
equation, generally didn't differentiate between breaker types.
The data show that transport increases where wave energy dissipation is high with
plunging breakers. High dissipation didn't necessarily produce increased transport rates
with spilling breakers. Further study will be given to sediment transport as a function of
breaker type, including additional experiments and comparisons to field data.
David Hamilton, William Halford, David Daily, and Tim Nisley provided technical
support for this study. Ping Wang was jointly funded by the U.S. Army Engineer Research
and Development Center and the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. Permission to
publish this paper was granted by the Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
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