9.0 References and Persons Contacted
Wells, Mike
Department of Parks and Recreation Resource Ecologist, personal communication with
Shawn Shamlou, Environmental Analyst, KEA Environmental. July 30.
Department of Parks and Recreation Resource Ecologist, personal communication with
James Kurtz, Environmental Engineer, KEA Environmental. January 11.
California Coastal Commission
Sherilyn Sarb, District Manager
Gary Cannon, Coastal Planner
Leslie Ewing, Planner
California Department of Fish and Game
Dennis Bedford, Fisheries Manager
California Department of Parks and Recreation
Denny Stoufer, Lifeguards
Mike Wells, Resource Ecologist
Ed Navarro, Superintendent of Parks
California Lobster & Trap Fishermen's Association
John Guth
August Felando
California State Lands Commission
Jane Smith, Public Land Management Specialist
Kirk Walker
City of Carlsbad
Stave Jantz, Engineer
Eric Munoz, Planner
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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