Oceanside, North Carlsbad, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Torrey Pines, Mission Beach, and Imperial Beach
sites, therefore, fewer relative impacts would be anticipated at these locations. No additional indirect
impacts beyond those previously discussed under Alternative 1a would be anticipated.
Borrow Sites
Under Alternative 1b, less sand would be dredged from borrow sites SO-9, SO-5, MB-1, and SS-1, as
smaller quantities would be deposited at the corresponding receiver sites. Under this alternative, it is
possible that the same underwater surface area would be affected, less than two percent of the shelf-area,
but dredged at a shallower depth. Alternatively, less surface area could be dredged at the same depths.
Either impact would be less than significant. The borrow sites would not be degraded as a result of the
proposed action because the impacted area is small and the biota appears to recover quickly from physical
alterations. As with Alternative 1a, there would be no significant indirect turbidity impacts from activity at
the borrow sites.
As with Alternative 1a, there would be no direct or indirect significant impacts to marine resources;
however, SANDAG would implement a monitoring program for verification. That program is described
in Section 2.5. If significant, long-term adverse impacts to marine resources are documented by the
monitoring effort resulting from project discharge activities, then restoration or creation of like habitat at 1:1
ratio would be implemented as described in Section 2.5. A "not-to-exceed" cap on mitigation costs would
be negotiated by SANDAG, similar to the previously permitted Navy Homeporting project.
Alternative 2
Impacts of Alternative 2a
Receiver Sites
As with Alternative 1, the construction of receiver sites would directly impact marine life by burying
organisms within the footprint of the fill. As concluded in that alternative, where direct placement would
affect sand, cobble, or seasonal hard substrate, the impact would be less than significant due to rapid
recolonization of affected species, and because of project design features which would avoid impacts to
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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