between 1,500 and 1,875 feet from the shoreline, respectively. The location of the mono buoy could be
near the northern most artificial reef. The location for the mono buoy needs to be carefully positioned so
that all anchoring activities, both for the hopper dredge and for the installation of the mono buoy, avoids
these artificial reefs by at least 350 feet. No significant impacts are expected for the emplacement of
temporary pipelines and mono buoy at this location.
The second pipeline for this site would run from the eastern corner of the dredge area and run about 3,000
feet and go directly onshore to a location just south of the Batiquitos Lagoon. Sensitive resources near this
pipeline route include kelp and kelp habitat to the south, artificial reefs inshore and to the north, and
potential surfgrass habitat located south of the pipeline along the shoreline (Table 3.4-6). The pipeline
location has been selected to avoid direct impacts to these resources and all anchoring activities would have
to avoid these resources. Vessel traffic would have to avoid transits through the kelp or across the CDFG
artificial reefs and anchoring of the dredge would have to avoid placing anchors in the kelp beds (refer to
Section 2.4.1 and Table 2-8). If a hopper dredge were to be used, then the location of the mono buoy
would be in water depths of between 30 and 40 feet located between 1,500 and 1,875 feet from the
shoreline, respectively. This location would be south of the artificial reefs and all anchoring activities
associated with mooring the hopper dredge and installing the mono buoy would have to avoid these reefs.
The hopper dredge would be conditioned to avoid transiting over the CDFG reefs, either empty or full.
Thus, no significant impacts are expected for the emplacement of temporary pipelines and mono buoy at
this location.
SO-6. The pipeline for this borrow site would go about 3,000 feet directly onshore from the borrow site
to the Cardiff beach. Sensitive resources and possible constraints include kelp and kelp habitats inshore
and to the north and the San Elijo outfall pipeline located to the south (Table 3.4-6). The proposed pipeline
route would avoid kelp habitat and reefs and run parallel to the outfall pipeline. Vessel traffic would have
to avoid transits through the kelp and anchoring of the dredge would have to avoid placing anchors in the
kelp beds. If a hopper dredge were to be used, then the location of the mono buoy would be in water
depths of between 30 and 40 feet located between 1,680 and 2,440 feet from the shoreline, respectively.
This location would be south of the kelp and reefs and north of the outfall pipeline. All anchoring activities
associated with mooring the hopper dredge and installing the mono buoy would have to avoid kelp habitat
and the outfall pipeline. No significant impacts are expected for the emplacement of temporary pipelines
and mono buoy at this location.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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