4.4 Biological Resources
and surfgrass areas. No significant impacts are expected for the emplacement of temporary pipelines and
mono buoy at this location.
MB-1. The pipeline from the Mission Bay borrow site would run from the eastern edge of the dredge area
and run about 4,500 feet directly onshore (Figure 2-19). There are no nearby sensitive resources and the
nearest resources are artificial reefs located over 1,000 feet from the proposed pipeline route (Table 3.4-
6). If a hopper dredge is used the mono buoy would be located in water depths between 30 to 40 feet
located between 1,875 and 3,000 feet, respectively from the shore. No significant impacts are expected
from the emplacement of temporary pipelines and mono buoy at this location.
SS-1. The pipeline from the Imperial Beach borrow site would run from the northeastern edge of the
dredge area and run about 6,000 feet northeast to the beach (Figure 2-20). There are no nearby sensitive
resources and the nearest resources are kelp beds located over 3,000 feet to the north (Table 3.4-6). If
a hopper dredge is used the mono buoy would be located in water depths between 30 to 40 feet located
between 2,400 and 4,875 feet, respectively, from the shore. No significant impacts are expected from the
emplacement of temporary pipelines and mono buoy at this location.
In designing the Regional Beach Sand Project measures were taken to minimize impacts to biological
resources and avoid sensitive habitat areas. Pre-design field surveys were conducted to identify the least
sensitive areas for sand borrowing and placement. The selection of borrow sites and receiver beaches; the
placement of buoys, anchors, and pipelines; the selection of methods and equipment for dredging and
deposition of sand; and the establishment of buffer zones to protect sensitive areas were all specifically
selected to minimize biological impacts. Where potentially significant impacts were identified (i.e., impacts
to grunion spawning due to sand placement), measures were developed and incorporated into project
design to reduce these impacts to below a level of significance. Further project design features may be
negotiated with the USFWS as part of the Section 7 process including scheduling selected sites early in or
advance of nesting season and predator control.
Although no significant impacts to sensitive marine resources are anticipated at the receiver sites or at
nearby locations where worst-case sedimentation risk has been predicted by the model, monitoring would
be implemented as described in Section 2.5 to verify that significant impacts do not occur. The monitoring
program would be effective from the date of issuance of an USACOE permit and four years after
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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