3.10 Structures and Utilities
For the purpose of this EIR/EA, structures and utilities are defined as sewer outfalls, access stairs and
ramps, storm drain pipes, sea walls, and lifeguard towers. The following section identifies the location of
the existing structures and utilities within or adjacent to the receiver sites. The description of structures and
utilities is based on limited field surveys and prior environmental documentation (Department of the Navy
1997a; 1997b). In addition, city personnel were contacted to determine the location of city sewer and
storm drain ocean outfalls and any other related facilities that could be potentially impacted by
implementation of the proposed action.
3.10.1 Receiver Sites
South Oceanside
A 36-inch sewer outfall pipe is buried almost perpendicular to the shoreline directly north of Loma Alta
Creek. The depth of cover is unknown. This pipe was installed in approximately 1971 (Department of
the Navy 1997a). There are two side-by-side 36-inch storm drains at the end of Marron Street. Two
side-by-side 18-inch storm drains are located directly south of Tyson Street. An 18-inch pipe, half filled
with sand, is located at the end of Forster Street.
Public access stairs are located at the end of Tyson Street, Ash Street, Marron Street, Cassidy Street, and
Vista Way. The bottom elevation of the stairs at Cassidy Street is approximately 6.6 feet above MSL.
Ramp access exists at Wisconsin Street, Forster Street, and just north of Loma Alta Creek. In addition,
there is an access road at Oceanside Boulevard. A number of additional access paths and stairs have been
constructed in front of private homes, including a stairway just north of the creek. Rip-rap (large boulders)
exists to protect beachfront residences and structures. Lifeguard Tower No. 9 is located at the base of
Oceanside Boulevard on top of a concrete and rip-rap structure, and Tower No.11 is located further south
at Buccaneer Beach on the sand. Both towers are located approximately 50 feet from the shoreline and
remain in their locations year-round. The platforms for these lifeguard towers are approximately eight feet
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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