3.9 Public Health and Safety
For purposes of this EIR/EA, public health and safety issues are defined as those that directly affect the
continued ability to protect and preserve life and property at locations along the proposed receiver sites.
Specifically, these issues are lifeguard services and recreational safety. In addition, vessel safety is
addressed because dredging activity would occur in the ocean. Safety issues relating to structures and
utilities, including lifeguard towers, are discussed in Section 4.10 (Structures and Utilities). Sediment and
chemical comparisons of dredged material and receiver sites have been completed and there would be no
risk to health or safety. This issue is not addressed further.
Lifeguard Services
At five proposed receiver sites (i.e., South Oceanside, Solana Beach, Del Mar, Mission Beach, and
Imperial Beach), the respective jurisdiction provides lifeguard services. At the eight state beaches,
however, the California Department of Parks and Recreation provides lifeguard services. The lifeguards
are responsible for all recreational safety measures along the beach. Safety measures include manned
lifeguard towers and regular vehicle patrols during the summer months. Lifeguard towers are typically more
heavily staffed on weekends during summer months. The locations of lifeguard towers at each receiver site
are addressed in Section 3.10.
Recreational Safety
Storm drain outfalls occasionally contribute to water pollution at the receiver sites, especially after rainy
periods. Water pollution stemming from these outfalls has resulted in the periodic closing of the region's
beaches, when water contact is not recommended. In the days after a rain period, tidal action and
longshore currents disperse pollutants and the beaches are reopened for recreation.
Vessel Safety
Commercial boats, fishing boats, and recreational vessels currently traverse the overall project area along
the San Diego region's coast. Most vessels operate out of Oceanside Harbor, Mission Bay, and San
Diego Bay.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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