3.11 Traffic
This existing conditions section for traffic addresses receiver site access for the receiver sites. Vessel traffic
is discussed in Sections 3.9 and 4.9 (Public Health and Safety) and in Section 2.4.
Regional access to all receiver sites is provided via Interstate 5 (I-5). West of I-5, access is also provided
via Coast Highway 101, which extends from Oceanside south to Del Mar. North Torrey Pines Road,
Mission Boulevard, and Seacoast Drive provide access to the Torrey Pines, Mission Beach, and Imperial
Beach receiver sites, respectively. The principal access routes from I-5 for the 13 receiver sites are listed
in Table 3.11-1 below.
Table 3.11-1
Principal Access Routes
Receiver Site
Principal Access Route
South Oceanside
Oceanside Boulevard
North Carlsbad
Carlsbad Village Drive
South Carlsbad North
Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia Drive
South Carlsbad South
Palomar Airport Road, Poinsettia Drive
Poinsettia Drive, La Costa Avenue
La Costa Avenue, Leucadia Boulevard
Moonlight Beach
Encinitas Boulevard
Birmingham Drive
Solana Beach
Lomas Santa Fe Drive, Via de la Valle
Del Mar
Via de la Valle, Del Mar Heights Road
Torrey Pines
Carmel Valley Road, Genesee Avenue
Mission Beach
Mission Bay Drive
Imperial Beach
Imperial Beach Boulevard
Existing traffic on the beach access routes is often heavy, as most of the routes serve commercial, motel
or camping, and residential uses as well as the beaches. Traffic is most congested on warm weekends,
when residents from throughout the country and adjacent areas use the beaches. During these peak use
periods, parking areas often are filled to capacity.
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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