3.8 Socioeconomics
crab catch, on the other hand, is less concentrated. While La Jolla/Point Loma still account for 61 percent
of the catch, Oceanside accounts for 24 percent of the area catch, and Imperial Beach comprises nine
percent of the catch. Oceanside is thus a relatively important area for the rock crab fishery, and rock crab
is by far the most valuable nearshore species in the Imperial Beach fish block (69 percent of total value of
nearshore catch from that block).
Nearshore Species Habitat Range and Fishing Techniques
The following sections provide additional information about the lifecycle and typical fishery operations for
lobster and red sea urchin. Specific biological life cycle data on these species may be found in Appendix
D. Appendix D also contains similar information for rock crab, halibut, abalone, sheephead, spot prawn,
and ridge back prawn.
California Spiny Lobster (Panulirus interruptus), the commercial species of greatest value locally, is
found from Monterey Bay to Manzanillo, Mexico, mostly from Point Conception to Magdalena Bay, Baja
California. Adult lobsters are typically found in rocky areas from the intertidal zone to at least 240 feet.
Local fishermen note that there is marked movement of adults between inshore and offshore areas. Most
of the fishing for this species occurs in rocky coastal areas up to 120 feet in depth, although lobsters have
been caught on any type of substrate. Traps are set on all bottom types from sand to rocky substrate.
Ninety percent of commercial trapping takes place in depths of 90 feet or less (CDFG 1993), with most
traps set at depths of 10 to 50 feet, according to local fishermen. The fishing season extends from October
to March.
Lobster are commercially fished locally via baited traps set from small boats that range from 20 to 45 feet
in length, with the typical vessels in the 25 to 35 foot range. Smaller vessels may work the season with a
single fisherman, while larger vessels may start the season with a skipper and two crew, but then reduce
to one crew member as the catch drops off. The basis for crew compensation apparently varies from
operation to operation, with some based on various types of the more traditional `share' calculations, while
others have moved toward flat rates.
As noted in earlier sections, the area of highest concentration for lobster fishing occurs in the La Jolla to
Point Loma area, but vessels from Mission Bay to Oceanside can and do fish the North County coast,
according to interviews. Where a vessel is "homeported" is a trade-off between expense and convenience
as, for example, fuel costs and slip fees tend to be less expensive at port facilities farther from local fishing
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