3.8 Socioeconomics
were the only species whose local landing value was in excess of
million each (but less than million)
over the period 1981-1998.
Some species historically had low value and were not commercially exploited in even the recent past
(Figure 3.8-2). However, with the advent of the live trap market for California sheephead and spot prawn,
the value and importance of these resources has increased. Averaged over the last 18 years these species
ranked 6th and 7th, respectively, and in 1998 sheephead and spot prawn represented 4.4 percent and 2.2
percent of the nearshore San Diego County commercial catch. These two species, with values of
approximately 0,000 and 0,000 are the only species valued above ,000 (but less than
Other resources of lesser value include sea cucumber (Parastichopus spp.), ridgeback prawn, California
moray eel, shrimp, purple urchin, and octopus. The combined value of these latter species represents only
0.36 percent of the total value from 1981 to 1998 and only 1.3 percent of the value for total landings for
For all nearshore species of commercial importance, volume and value have fluctuated significantly both
in absolute and relative terms over the period 1981-1998, as shown in Figure 3.8-2. Perhaps the most
obvious trend has been the decline and subsequent closure of harvesting abalone. In the early 1980's,
abalone ranked third in importance behind lobster and red urchin. However, abalone harvest has declined
significantly for multiple reasons and at the present time there is a moratorium on the harvesting of abalone
south of San Francisco. Furthermore, the white and black abalone are candidate species for listing as an
endangered species.
Other important trends include the variability and value of the lobster catch which declined significantly in
the late 1980's following the 1983/1984 El Nio event and has shown an increasing trend until 1997, which
was the best year on record. Lobster catch declined significantly following the El Nio of 1997/1998. The
pattern of lower lobster catch following El Nio has been observed before by commercial fisherman, but
the magnitude of decreases varied by location (Guth 1999). As shown in Figure 3.8-1, the value of lobster
in 1998 dropped to approximately one-quarter of its 1997 value in the Oceanside/North County port area
and to approximately one-half of its 1997 value in the San Diego port area.
Poundage and value of the red urchin catch has also shown extreme fluctuation. This resource also showed
a decline in the late 1980s, followed by increases in the early 1990s, and then a leveling off followed by
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