depths were sufficient and dense cobble was more restricted in occurrence and thus not limiting to grunion
egg laying. However, beach may not have been wide enough. The upper intertidal had damp sand to the
back of the beach, which had bluff or revetment along its length.
Nearby Sensitive Resources
The closest California least tern and western snowy plover nesting sites are located at Los Peasquitos
Lagoon within less than one mile from the receiver site (Figure 3.4-1).
Nearshore habitats are mostly sandy bottom with a small amount of low-relief, scattered reef at the
southern end of the site. This reef begins approximately 825 feet offshore between -10 and -15 feet
MLLW, which is about 650 feet seaward of the site boundary and extends into deeper waters (Table 3.4-
2). A large, wide area of low-relief, scattered reef, extending from the intertidal to the subtidal, is found
immediately south of the Torrey Pines site. Inshore intertidal surfgrass beds also occur south of the site.
No kelp canopy was mapped offshore in 1999. In 1997, giant kelp was found in only one small, offshore
patch south of the site. This patch was 2,000 feet offshore in -35 feet MLLW and was located about
3,000 feet from the site (Table 3.4-2). Historically, there has been a relatively high persistence of kelp
about 4,500 feet north of the site.
Mission Beach
The proposed site consists entirely of sand habitat. Sand crabs, bean clams, and polychaete worms
occupied the sand habitat. A dead sand dollar was observed on the beach, which suggests the presence
of offshore sand dollar beds in the vicinity of the site. Sand depths ranged from 15 to greater than 48
inches and averaged 40 inches in the upper, 19 inches in the mid, and 29 inches in the low intertidal.
California grunion eggs were not observed in shovel samples collected during the May survey. Sand depths
were sufficient to support grunion egg laying and the site was sampled four days after a new moon. The
upper intertidal showed evidence of recent beach grooming and it is not known to what extent (if any) that
had on the lack of observed eggs.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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