Hivel2D users manual
Case 3
Flow regime
Subcritical upstream
Supercritical downstream
Boundary conditions
p, q specified upstream
Figure B3. Case 3 sketch
Case 4
Flow regime
Subcritical upstream
Subcritical downstream
Boundary conditions
p, q specified upstream
h specified downstream
This problem may take a
Figure B4. Case 4 sketch
long time to reach steady
Case 5
Flow regime
Subcritical upstream
Subcritical downstream
Boundary conditions
p, q specified upstream
h specified downstream
Even though this contains
Figure B5. Case 5 sketch
a steep section in which
the flow is supercritical,
the boundary conditions are the same as for Case 4. The tailwater specified downstream causes
the hydraulic jump.
Appendix B Boundary Conditiions