Hivel2D users manual
Appendix B
Boundary Conditions
Flow In and Out
Case 1
Flow regime
Supercritical upstream
Supercritical downstream
Boundary conditions
p, q, h specified upstream
(defined in Chapter 2)
It can be difficult to get
the outflow boundary to
Figure B1. Case 1 sketch
converge at startup. One
method is to specify a
tailwater such that the flow is barely subcritical, then after some time, when the resulting jump is
nearly gone, remove the downstream boundary condition. Note: Fi = inflow Froude number; Fo =
outflow Froude number.
Case 2
Flow regime
Supercritical upstream
Subcritical downstream
Boundary conditions
p, q, h specified upstream
h specified downstream
Figure B2. Case 2 sketch
Appendix B Boundary Conditiions