Figure 8. History of cavitation index below valves, 10-min filling valve, 2.5-min emptying valve, emptying valve begins
opening 1.5 min after initiation of filling valve operation, upper pool 221.4, lower pool 209.5
Miller, D. S. (1990). Internal Flow
operations (Figure 5). Although the
Systems (2nd edition). Gulf Pub-
optimization was conducted for a
single lift of 11.9 m (upper pool el
lishing Co., Houston, TX.
Ables, J. H., Jr. (1979) "Modifications
221.4 and lower pool el 209.5), this
to filling and emptying system of
Schohl, G. A. (1999). "User's manual
is a high lift for this project and the
Lock No. 1, Mississippi River, Min-
for LOCKSIM: Hydraulic simula-
optimum valve configuration is
neapolis, Minnesota: Hydraulic
tion of navigation lock filling and
believed to be applicable to other
model investigation," Technical
emptying systems," Contract
Report H-79-21, U.S. Army Engi-
Report CHL-99-1, U.S. Army Engi-
neer Waterways Experiment Sta-
neer Waterways Experiment Sta-
tion, Vicksburg, MS.
tion, Vicksburg, MS.
Headquarters, U.S. Army Corps of
Stockstill, R. L., Fagerburg, T. L., and
Engineers. (1975). Engineer
Waller, T. N. (2000). "Pool lower-
The field data reported and
Manual 1110-2-1610, "Hydraulic
ing at Lock and Dam 1 using the
numerical simulations described
Design of Lock Culvert Valves,"
lock filling and emptying system,
were obtained from research spon-
U.S. Government Printing Office,
Mississippi River, Minnesota,"
sored by the U.S. Army Engineer
Washington, DC.
Technical Report, U.S. Army Engi-
District, St. Paul, by the U.S. Army
neer Research and Development
McGee, R. G. (1989). "Prototype
Engineer Research and Develop-
Center, Vicksburg, MS.
evaluation of Bay Springs Lock,
Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway,
Laboratory. Permission was granted
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers,
Mississippi," Technical Report
Hydraulic Design Criteria, Pre-
by the Chief of Engineers to publish
HL-89-15, U.S. Army Engineer
this information. Special gratitude is
pared for Office, Chief of Engi-
Waterways Experiment Station,
given to the prototype evaluation
neers, by U.S. Army Engineer
Vicksburg, MS.
team, led by Mr. Timothy Fagerburg
Waterways Experiment Station,
and to the Lock 1 staff headed by
Vicksburg, MS, issued serially
lockmaster Mr. James Ryan.
since 1952.