8.7 Onslo Bay, NC
This example shows the application of CGWAVE to New River Inlet in Onslo
Bay, North Carolina. CGWAVE was applied to this region to provide wave height
estimates for JLOTS (Joint Logistics Over-The-Shore) exercises.
A rectangular open boundary is used to separate the modeled domain from the
open ocean. The modeled area outside the inlet is 3 km along shore by 2 km cross shore.
The inlet area of the domain extends approximately 1.5 km inland. The finite element
mesh for this domain contains of about 30000 nodes and 60000 elements. The grid
resolution is good (no less than 10 nodes per wavelength) for waves of period equal to or
longer than 35 seconds are.
The phase and amplitude results for a monochromatic wave simulation are shown in
Figures 29 and 30, respectively. For this model run, incident waves were normal to the
coastline. The incident wave period was 35 seconds. The incident wave height was 1 m.
The coastline was assigned a reflection coefficient of 0.4. The alternating pattern of wave
phase is shown in Figure 29. Wave heights of 2 m were predicted to the north side of the
inlet, represented by the darkest color shown in Figure 30.