8.6 Barbers Point Harbor, HI
This example shows the application of CGWAVE to the harbor and near-by
coastal regions of Barbers Point Harbor, Hawaii. A study is being conducted to explore
harbor response to wave periods between 30 and 4000 seconds. Of particular interest are
the contributions infragravity waves to the resonance of the harbor.
The modeled domain consists of the harbor area and a region outside the harbor of
3 km radius. The radius of the area outside the harbor is measured from the mouth of the
harbor. This domain size allows multiple wavelengths to be modeled within the domain
for all but the longest period waves. With appropriate resolution (based on the shortest
period wave) the grid contains 33000 nodes and 65000 elements. Both monochromatic
and spectral conditions are used as input in this modeling study.
An example of the estimated wave phases and amplitudes is given in Figures 27
and 28, respectively. These estimates are based on a normal incident input wave with a
period of 100 s and incident amplitude of 1 m. The coastline has been assumed to be fully
absorbing for this example case. A detailed analysis of the results of this study is in
progress at the time of this writing. Comparisons of CGWAVE wave height estimates are
to be made with field measurements in and around the harbor region. The results and
analysis are to be documented in relevant journal articles upon completion of the study.