Table 40
Neah Bay
Neah Bay, Washington
Construction and Rehabilitation History
The breakwater was authorized.
The breakwater was constructed, and it required 1,195,280 tons of
stone, with an average armor stone weight of tons.
In October the breakwater was damaged by a storm. In November the
worst storm in 27 years caused extensive damage to the breakwater,
The storm caused 10 breaks ranging in length from 32 to 175 ft and
mllw. The storm caused serious
descending to about elevation
damage to the coast guard dock, damaged 7 homes, and destroyed a
bulkhead. Waves passing between Waada Island and Baada Point reached
heights of 20 ft.
The breakwater was repaired by salvaging and replacing 2,500 tons of
displaced stone and placing an additional 15,500 tons with an average
weight of tons. The rock quantities are from the design estimate.
The breakwater was repaired with 7,000 tons of armor rock with an
average weight of 6 tons.
of the breakwater was rehabilitated. The
The westerly 4,200
mllw including a 5-ft-
design specified a crest elevation of +18
thick single layer armor rock protective cap. The crest width was
25 ft, and side slopes were
The harbor and cross section of the breakwater are illustrated in
The breakwater appears in good condition at this time,