Table 27
Port Orford
Port Orford, Oregon
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Local interests built a combined breakwater-pier of piling, concrete,
and stone. The breakwater was rebuilt three times between 1935 and
1965 due to damage from winter storms.
An extension to the breakwater was authorized.
The breakwater extension was constructed. The extension was 550 ft
mllw and crest width of 30 ft.
long with crest elevation of +20
on the harbor side and on the ocean side below
Side slopes were
and 1:2 on the ocean side above mlw. The project required an
estimated 79,000 tons of stone as well as 11,000-16,000 tons for the
bedding layer, Fifty-eight percent of the stone was class
15 tons and averaging 12 tons). Twenty-two percent of the stone was
(weighing a minimum of 1,000 lb and averaging 1 ton). The
remainder of the stone was class
(weighing a minimum of 2 tons
and averaging 6 tons). The design wave was the 10 percent wave,
estimated at 22 ft.
The harbor and cross section of the breakwater are illustrated in
Figure 58. No repairs or rehabilitation are reported.