Nehalem River
Construction and Rehabilitation History
The initial project was authorized.
The initial project was terminated before construction had begun.
Local interests began construction of the south jetty.
The existing project was authorized, including two high-tide rubble-
mound breakwaters 700
apart at the outer ends.
Construction of the south jetty was completed. The jetty was
4,500 ft long, including the work begun by the local interests in
mllw with a
Crest elevation was
crest width and
side slopes for the first 3,000 ft, and crest elevation was
+12 ft mllw with a 15-ft crest width and
side slopes for the
outer 1,500 ft.
Construction of the north jetty was completed. The jetty was
ft mllw with a crest
3,300 ft long. The crest elevation was
width of 15 ft for the first 1,600 ft, and crest elevation was +12 ft
mllw with crest width of 20 ft for the seaward half of the jetty, all
with side slopes of
Jetty subsidence and storm-related damage had lowered the outer
200 ft of both jetties below low water.
The project was classified inactive. The seaward 200 ft of the north
jetty was below mllw, and the rest of the structure was between
ft mllw, with the highest elevation at
ft mllw. The outer
220 ft of the south jetty was below mllw, with the remaining length
predominantly below mllw.
of the north jetty was below mllw, the majority of
The outer 200
ft mllw, and the maximum elevation was
the structure was below
of the north jetty shoreward of the
mllw. Approximately 700
high waterline on the spit was covered with sand. The outer 400 ft
of the south jetty was below mllw, the next 1,400
was at about
ft mllw, and the remainder of the structure was at about
mllw, with a maximum elevation of
of the north jetty and 4,400 ft of
Major rehabilitation of 3,500
the south jetty was undertaken. The jetties were rebuilt to a crest
elevation of +16 ft mllw, crest width of 26 ft, and side slopes of
Estimated stone required for the north jetty included
63,600 tons of class
40,100 tons of class
12,800 tons of
core stone, and 9,500 tons of bedding stone. The south jetty