Table 54
Little Wicomico River Jetties
Norththumberland County, Virginia
Baltimore District
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Two stone jetties were constructed to lengths of 1,000 and 1,300 ft
north and south, respectively (Figure 67). Timber pile jetties were
also placed at the landward ends of the stone jetties. Lengths of
the timber piles were 357 ft north and 650 ft south.
The north timber pile jetty was repaired at a cost of ,822.
Survey of the jetties indicated the seaward 300 ft of each jetty had
ft and no semblance of a
crown elevations ranging from -2.0 to
crown width.
The jetties were to be rehabilitated to minimize shoaling of the
channel. The seaward 290 ft of each jetty was to be made sand
tight by placing core stone and cover stone on the outer face at a
ft mlw, with a crown
slope. Crown elevation was to be
width up to 15.0 ft along the sections with crown elevations below
ft mlw. Toe protection was to be provided by a 2.0-ft-thick by
5.0-ft-wide extension of the core stone. A double layer of 1.0-ton
cover stone was to be used. It is not known if the work was done.