Table 6
Larchmont Harbor Breakwater
Larchmont, New York
New York District
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction was completed on a
stone breakwater, (Fig-
ure 10). Crest elevation was
mlw, crown width was 5.0 ft,
Stone sizes 8.0 to 1 . tons were placed
and side slopes were
in random fashion. Initial construction costs were
A survey of the breakwater indicated the entire length was below
ft mlw. A localized
design elevation and varied from
mlw was located approximately 1,300
depression of
from the
shoreward end. The breakwater was submerged during high tides, which
created danger areas and was only partially effective as a barrier to
storm waves. The structure had no breaks and was considered stable.
The entire breakwater was rehabilitated by adding 8.0- to
stone in
fashion to raise the elevation up to original
design. Crown width remained 5.0 ft, and side slopes were
4.9-sec design wave
Cost of rehabilitation was 5,500. A
was used.
No further repair or maintenance information has been found.