Port Allen Breakwater
Port Allen Harbor, Kauai, Hawaii
Construction and Rehabilitation History
The 1,200-ft-long structure was completed as an extension to a
Until damaged by Hurricane Iwa of November 23, the old 8-ton
keyed-and-fitted armor stone structure had no repair history. The
breakwater light at the seaward end had been damaged and repaired
several times (Coast Guard cost) prior to its present destruction.
The estimated 20-ft breaking waves at the structure first dis-
lodged the stones on the inboard crest which eventually resulted
in the total destruction of the outer 130 ft of the breakwater.
Overtopping waves also displaced crest stone and exposed under-
layer stone on a 150-ft length at the extreme root of the struc-
ture. Minor damage also was sustained along the inboard slope.
The head was rebuilt, and the minor damage on the inboard slope
was repaired at a cost of 8,000. The breakwater was shortened
to a total length of 1,126 ft. The outer
ft was abandoned.
The repair was accomplished by resetting stone remaining on the
structure and by retrieving stone from the harbor and replacing it
on the structure using the old keyed-and-fitted construction
(Figure 22). The crown elevation on the last
80 ft of structure
was increased to
mllw. This was done to improve the
stability of the inboard slope by decreasing wave overtopping.
The root of the breakwater was not repaired.