Table 7 (Concluded)
Construction and Rehabilitation History
A field inspection on 26 September 1979 revealed a total of seven
dolosse and five tribars broken above the still-water level (swl)
No repair work was recommended.
steep and degraded harbor-side slopes, and plans were initiated
for rehabilitation work. Hurricane Iwa of November 23 reportedly
produced depth-limited breaking waves at the structure. An in-
spection subsequent to the hurricane revealed considerable move-
ment of concrete armor units which may have caused armor unit
breakage below water. Nine dolosse and one tribar unit were found
broken. Movement and shifting of stones on the crest of the
breakwater were noted in three areas. Also, overtopping waves had
displaced harbor-side stone and in one area had created a trough
along the harbor-side toe.
An underwater inspection was conducted on August. This detailed
inspection revealed that the underwater slope of the breakwater
much steeper than it was thought to
head was approximately
be. The inspectors recommended repair of the head to prevent a
possible catastrophic failure of the head that could be initiated
on steep underwater slopes.
Figure 1 is a photograph of the breakwater taken from the head
looking landward. A general design memorandum for the rehabili-
tation of the breakwater in 1985 was prepared. The proposed work
was as follows: one and two layers of randomly placed dolosse on
the sea- and harbor-side slopes of the head; one laver of 11-ton
dolosse on the sea-side slope
slope between sta
and concrete ribs on the crown
Portions of this proposed work were
between sta
model tested (Markle and Herrington 1 8 ) The estimated first
cost of this rehabilitation was ,500,000 based on January 1984
price levels.
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