Table 2 (Continued)
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Repair work was completed in August. A total of 1 1 areas was
paired. Due to the severity of wave overtopping and the
of damage in many areas, the armor stone weight used for
of 8 tons to a
repair of the crown was increased from a
minimum of 10 tons. The remainder of the repair work followed the
original cross section design. The total cost of repair was
approximately 4,500.
ture at various points along the entire length, but it was thought
at the shoreward end of the
that immediate repair of 1,700
structure was needed to protect the berthing area. Emergency
repair work was completed in 1973 at a cost of 4,000. The
original cross section design was used for repair.
Major repair of the breakwater was completed. Both new and reset
8- and 10-ton minimum weight armor stones were used to repair
various areas along the entire length of the structure. The
structure slopes and crown elevation were unchanged from the
original design cross section. The total cost of the work was
approximately 1,000.
Hurricane Kate produced overtopping waves at various lengths of
the breakwater on 28 and 29 September. It also was noted that
large amounts of water were passing through the structure between
An inspection on 5 November 1976 revealed
and sta
sporadic, moderate damage on the upper sea-side slopes and the
crown and harbor-side slopes, but no immediate repairs were
Inspection on October revealed some settlement of sea-side slope
stone in a few areas exposing the crown stone to direct wave
attack. In a couple of areas armor stone had been displaced up
onto the crown or was missing. No immediate repairs were
Inspection on 16 October revealed additional sporadic damage to
the crown and upper sea-side slope. Damage was not severe but
observed transmission through the structure between sta
during heavier seas was thought to be a possible cause
of swell conditions in the berthing areas.
(Sheet 2 of 3 )