Overall there are approximately 26,500 lin ft of breakwater
(97.9 percent) and jetty (2.1 percent) structures in POD. With the exceptions
of the Kalaupapa, Pohoiki, and Waianae breakwaters, all of the structures were
originally constructed of armor stone. Armor stone sizes have varied from a
minimum of 0.5 tons used on the Auasi breakwater to a maximum of 12 tons used
on several structures (except for 1959 repairs to Kahului which used 12-ton
minimum). Repairs have been made on five of the structures (Haleiwa, Hilo,
Kahului, Nawiliwili, and Port Allen), and one structure has been modified
(Kalaupapa). Materials used for these repairs have included one or more of
the following: armor stone (often to previous design specifications), con-
crete armor units (tetrapods, tribars, dolosse), or a concrete cap (solid,
ribbed). Concrete armor units have varied in size from 2-ton dolosse
(Waianae) to 50-ton tribars (Kahului) The typical cross-section geometry
consists of crest elevations of 8 to 15 ft mean lower low
(mllw), crest
widths of 8 to 15 ft,
and core stone, The structures are typically placed on a firm foundation of
coral reef or volcanic materials. Pertinent summary information on each
project is presented in the above tabulation.