Table 2
Hilo Breakwater
Hilo Harbor, Hawaii, Hawaii
Construction and Rehabilitation History
The Corps completed the
rubble-mound breakwater
(Section A-A, Figure 3 ) .
Only minor repairs were required to restore the original
at an average annual cost of ,000 based on 1967 money.
The tsunami of 1 April severely damaged 6,000 ft of the break-
water. Primary armor stone and core material were displaced both
seaward and toward the harbor down to an average elevation of
-3.0 ft mllw. A 1,100-ft-long breach occurred adjacent to the
Tsunami damage was repaired using original design criteria at a
total cost of
Storm waves of December 1951 caused damage to 13 areas (Figure 4 ) .
By October 1952 the structure had been repaired to the original
cross section at a cost of ,000.
Storm waves of March
caused damage to several areas (Fig-
By August 1957 the structure had been repaired to its
original cross section at a cost of ,000. The structure was
but sustained no damage.
exposed to the tsunami of March
The tsunami of 1960 caused breakwater damage (Figure
but it
was not as severe as that sustained by the 1946 tsunami. Less
severe damage was attributed to the direction of wave attack. The
approach was less direct than that of 1946; therefore, wave
energy reaching the structure was less than what had occurred in
1946. Between
and 1960 average annual maintenance costs were
repair work did not
It was thought that the
key the replacement armor into the existing structure, thus
resulting in weaker cross sections in these repair areas.
Storm waves of February 1965 caused additional damage at
Between the 1960 and the 1967 tsunami, no repair work was done due
to the possibility of total rebuilding of the breakwater as one
leg of a proposed tsunami barrier for Hilo Harbor, The average
annual cost of structure maintenance had been ,900 for the
first 37 years of the project.
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