Table 32 (Concluded)
Construction and Rehabilitation History
A site inspection of the structures indicated that they were in good
condition but required minor repair in the form of a finishing touch
on the grouted cap to improve their appearance. The work was subse-
quently completely.
Construction of breakwaters and other improvements within the exist-
3 . A 725-ft-long west breakwater,
ing harbor was completed (Figure 8 )
a 320-ft-long east breakwater, an absorber, and a parapet wall were
installed. The east and west breakwaters were rubble-mound struc-
tures with a 12-ft-wide crest width covered with 4.2-ton armor
The crest el of the west
ft lwd, and steel sheet pile was included to make
breakwater was
the structure impervious. The east breakwater had a crest el of
+12 ft lwd. An absorber and a parapet wall were installed along the
existing north breakwater adjacent to the harbor (Figure 8 4 ) . The
ft lwd, was comprised of 2-ton
absorber, installed at an el of
cover stone. The crest el of the parapet was
ft lwd. The
improvements were model tested (Bottin 1977) prior to construction.
The structures presently are in good condition.