el of
on both sides of the
end of
north breakwater
a concrete superstructure in
The north pier was capped with a concrete superstructure with a crest
(Figure 78, Section P.
el of
A concrete and stone superstructure was installed on 1,250 ft of the
south pier (Figures 77 and 78, Sections M and N and 696 ft of the
north breakwater (Figures 77 and 79, Sections F and G. The crest el
ft lwd.
of these structures was
A stone and
superstructure was installed on the shoreward
1,240 ft of the south pier (Figures 77 and 78, Sections J, K, L,
and I. The widths of the superstructure ranged from 15 to 20 ft,
ft lwd.
and the crest el was
A 1,728-ft-long portion of the north breakwater was repaired (Fig-
C, D, and E.
ure 77,
The 958-ft-long shoreward end of the south pier was repaired (Fig-
ure 77, Section I , and the north pier was rebuilt (Figures 77
Steel sheet piles were driven on each side of he
and 78,
existing north pier forming a width of 23 ft. The voids were filled
ft lwd. An 843-ft-long por-
with stone and concrete to an el of
tion of the north breakwater also was repaired during this year (Fig-
ures 77 and '79, Sections B and
Riprap was installed to the el
ft lwd) on both sides of Section B with
of the superstructure
side slopes. Stone was installed over Section
to an el
The crest was 20 ft wide, and the stone was grouted
in place. Side slopes were
Toe stone was placed along the outermost section of the south pier
to stabilize settling of the structure. Con-
(Figure 77, Section
crete repair work was completed on the north pier.
A site inspection of the south pier indicated the channel side of the
structure was in good condition. Fill rock was needed, however, in
some areas, and the concrete cap was leaning toward the channel in
one area.
The structures presently are considered to be in good condition