Port Washington Harbor Structures
Port Washington. Wisconsin
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of a 2,537-ft-long north breakwater was completed (Fig-
ure 80, Sections A - E ) . The shoreward portion of the breakwater was
composed of single-wall steel sheet piles installed at an el of
with riprap placed on both sides to a
el (Fig-
ure 81, Section E ) . The next lakeward 990-ft-long portion of the
north breakwater (Section D) was constructed on stone-filled cellular
sheet-pile structures (arch cell type). Capstone was grouted in
ft lwd. The structure ranged from about 14 ft
place at an el of
in width to over 22 ft. Riprap was placed along both sides of the
The lakeward portion of the break-
water consisted of a concrete superstructure on a rubble-mound base
(Figure 81, Sections A , B, and C. The width of the superstructure
ft lwd. The rubble-mound por-
was 6.2 ft, and the crest el was
The outer 54 ft of the north break-
tion had side slopes of
water consisted of two rectangular caissons.
Construction of the 1,006-ft-long south breakwater was completed
(Figure 80, Sections A , I, and J. The lakeward 392.5-ft portion of
the breakwater consisted of a concrete superstructure on a rubble-
mound base similar to the outer end of the north breakwater (Fig-
ure 81, Section A ) . The remaining structure was of rubble-mound
and a crest width ranging
construction with a crest el of
from 6 to 7 ft. Side slopes were constructed
Sections I and
Construction of the north pier was completed (Figure 80, Sections F
and G. The structure included timber cribs with woodpiling on the
channel side with an el of
The structure was capped with sand and earth fill (Section
stone fill (Section G.
Because storm waves caused damage to harbor facilities and because of
difficulties to navigation since breakwater construction, the harbor
1951). Model tests for improving wave condi-
was modeled
tions involved placement of rubble-wave absorbers at critical loca-
tions in slips, placement of rubble on the lakeside of the north and
south breakwaters, construction of a small-boat basin for pleasure
craft, and extension of the lakeward end of the north breakwater.
Model tests involving the use of Igloo wave absorber units (Bottin
1976) were conducted to determine if wave heights in the inner slip
areas of the harbor could be significantly reduced, if the Igloos
could be substituted for rubble-mound structures in the proposed
small-boat harbor, and if the absorbed units could be used as an
alternative to rubble absorbers proposed for the small-boat harbor.