Table 28 (Concluded)
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Reconstruction of 45 ft of the lakeward end of the south pier (Fig-
occurred during this period. Steel sheetpiling
was installed on each side of the existing structure forming a pier
The voids were filled with
gravel and stone, and a concrete superstructure was installed at an
ft lwd. Riprap toe protection was installed on each side
el of
of the structure.
A 211-ft-long inner portion of the south pier (Figure 71, Section E
was constructed. The pier section consisted of steel sheetpiling
and back-
installed adjacent to the shoreline at an el of
Riprap was placed along
the toe of the structure.
A 969-ft-long portion of the south pier was reconstructed (Figure 71,
Steel sheetpiling was installed on each side of
Sections B and
the existing pier a distance of 26.75 ft apart. The void between the
sheet pile was filled with stone, and a concrete superstructure was
ft lwd.
A site inspection revealed that the structures were generally in good
condition. Minor concrete repairs and the placement of additional
riprap were recommended for the north breakwater. The work has sub-
sequently been completed. It was noted also that settlement of the
north pier on the channel side had occurred.
During their lifetime the structures have undergone reconstruction
and normal maintenance repairs. Presently they are considered in
good condition.