Table 27
Algoma Harbor Structures
Algoma, Wisconsin
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of a 352-ft-long north pier was completed (Figure 69,
Sections A and B.
The structures were built of woodpilings with
stone fill. The shoreward 308-ft length of the pier was 17 ft in
width, and the lakeward 44 ft was 23 ft in width (Figure 70, Sec-
tions A and B.
A 450-ft-long extension of the north pier, a 300-ft-long detached
south breakwater were constructed
north breakwater, and a
during this time (Figure 69, Section C. The structures were built
of stone-filled wooden cribs and were 20 ft in width (Figure 70,
Section C.
Construction of the 1,429-ft-long shoreward portion of the south
breakwater was completed (Figure 69, Sections D-F). The shoreward
200-ft length of the breakwater was a stone-filled timber crib struc-
ture (Figure 70, Section F , and the remaining portion of the break-
water was built of woodpilings filled with stone (Figure 70, Sec-
tions D and E ) . The structure ranged from 14 to 17 ft in width
(Figure 70, Sections D-F).
The north pier, the detached north breakwater, and the south break-
water, with the exception of the shoreward 200 ft in length, were
capped with a concrete superstructure (Figures 69 and 70, Sec-
tions A - E ) , The crest el of the structures was
ft lwd.
The shoreward 200-ft length of the south breakwater (Figures 6 9
and 70, Section
was capped with a concrete superstructure with a
ft lwd parapet crest el.
The structures have undergone maintenance, but no major repairs, and
are presently in good condition.