Two Rivers Harbor Piers
Two Rivers, Wisconsin
Construction and Rehabilitation History
The shoreward 968-ft-portion of the south pier (Figure 73, Sections E
was constructed during this period. These were woodpiling
structures (Figure 74, Sections E and F) that were stone filled.
Construction of the lakeward 752 ft of the south pier and 750 ft of
the north pier (Figure 73, Sections C, D,
and D2) were completed
The structures were of stone-filled timber crib
during this
construction (Figure 74, Sections C, D,
and D2) and were 18 ft in
Construction of the lakeward 752 ft of the south pier and 750 ft of
the north pier (Figure 73, Sections C, D,
and D2) were completed
The structures were of stone-filled timber crib
during this
construction (Figure 74, Sections C, D,
and D2) and were 18 ft in
843-ft portion of the north pier (Figure 73, Sections A
and B) was constructed of woodpiling (Figure 74, Sections A and
that was stone filled. The width of the pier was 14 ft.
843-ft portion of the north pier (Figure 73, Sections A
and B was capped with a stone and concrete superstructure (Figure 74,
Sections A a i B.
rd )
The width of the pier was 15 ft, and the crest el
The lakeward 398-ft length of the north pier and
198-ft length of the south pier were also capped with a concrete
superstructure (Figures 73 and 74, Sections D,
and D2). The
had a crest el of
trunk portion of the structures (Section
lwd. Steel sheetpiling was installed around both head sections (Sec-
and D2). The north pier head (Section D2) was 23 ft in
ft lwd, and the south pier head
width with a crest el of
was 21 ft in width with a crest el of
ft lwd. Riprap
stone was placed around the pierheads for toe protection.
were constructed for the shoreward 968-ft portion of
the south pier. these consisted o f concrete poured to an el of
ft on the channel side and backfilled
Sections E and F. Two trunk sections, one 352 ft long and the other
554 ft long, of the north and south piers, respectively, (Figures 73
and 74,
C) were capped with a stone and concrete superstruc-
ture. The crest el of these structures was
The south pierhead (Figure 73, Section
was repaired.
195 1
The north pierhead (Figure 73, Section D2) was repaired.