Table 26
Sturgeon Bay Breakwaters
Sturgeon Bay Canal, Wisconsin
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Construction of arrowhead breakwaters was completed at the entrance
canal to Sturgeon Bay (Figure 67) during this time, The breakwaters
were each constructed 1,344 ft long. The shorewardmost portions of
each structure (Figure 68, Sections A and
were constructed of
woodpilings, and the remaining portions of the breakwaters were of
stone-filled timber crib construction. Riprap breakwater toe protec-
tion was also provided. The shoreward 762-ft lengths of each break-
water (Figure 68, Section A ) were constructed to a width of 15 ft.
From that point lakeward, the next 32-ft lengths of each structure
(Section B) were 20 ft in width; the next 100-ft lengths (Section
were 18 ft in width; the next 300-ft lengths of each structure (Sec-
tion D) were 24 ft in width; and the lakeward ends (Sections E and F,
50 ft long each) were 30 ft in width.
The south breakwater was capped with a concrete superstructure
ure 6 )
8 . The crest el of the structure was
ft lwd.
The north breakwater was capped with a concrete superstructure
ure 6 )
8 . The lakeward 50 ft of the structure (Section
was in-
ft lwd, and the remaining portion of the
stalled at an el of
breakwater (Sections A-D) had a
lwd crest el.
During a site inspection of the structures no major problems were
The breakwaters have undergone only routine maintenance since
struction and are presently considered in good condition.