Table 25
Oconto Harbor Pier
Oconto, Wisconsin
Construction and Rehabilitation History
A 2,077-ft-long south pier was completed as a Federal project (Fig-
ure 65, Sections B- ). The structure consisted of woodpilings filled
with sand and gravel (Figure 66, Sections B- ). A rubble-mound north
pier was built by local interests.
Construction of the 67-ft-long lakeward end of the south pier was
completed (Figure 65, Section A ) . The extension consisted of 30.5-ft
diameter cellular steel sheet-pile structures. The cells were filled
The lakeward
with gravel and stone and had crest els of
cell was capped with concrete, and the adjacent cell was capped with
3- to 5-ton capstone (Figure 66, Section A ) .
The original 2,077-ft-long pier was reconstructed. Ruins of the
existing structure were capped with stone. The 227-ft-long lakeward
consisted of
portion of the original structure (Figure 65, Section
a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of
ft lwd and a width of
(Figure 66, Section B.
9 ft. Side slopes were installed at
The remaining portion of the existing breakwater (Figure 65, Sec-
tions C-E) consisted of a rubble-mound structure with a crest el of
and a width of 7 ft. Stone ranging from 400 to 1,000
was used as armor, and side slopes of
(Figure 66, Sec-
tions C-E) were constructed.
The structure is considered to presently be in good condition.