Table 10
Georgetown Harbor Jetties
Georgetown, South Carolina, SAC
Construction and Rehabilitation History
Two jetties (Figure 17) composed of stone on brush mattresses were
constructed as part of a project to maintain a -15 ft mlw access
channel. The north jetty was constructed to a length of 11,140 ft
with a crest elevation of 4.5 to 6 ft mlw, except the outer 100 ft
which was below mlw. The south jetty was constructed to a length of
ft mlw at the root
21,050 ft with crest elevations ranging from
to mlw at the outer end. A 14,200-ft-long earthen dike was con-
structed to serve as a root for the south jetty and protection for
South Island. The parallel ends of the jetties were approximately
4,800 ft apart.
Crest elevations along the jetties were as much as 12 ft below
original heights. Also at this time, the channel depth was
creased to -27 ft mlw. Structural improvements, although consid-
ered, were not carried out since maintenance dredging was considered
to be the most cost-effective means of providing the required chan-
nel depth.
Periodic dredging maintains the channel depth through the jetties at
-27 ft mlw. No repair or maintenance of the jetties has been under-
taken since their construction.
Figure 17. Georgetown Harbor
jetties, South Carolina