Savannah Harbor Jetties
Savannah Harbor, Georgia, SAS
Construction and Rehabilitation History
The River and Harbor Act of 5 August 1886 provided for two parallel
training walls (hereafter referred to as jetties) at the mouth of
the Savannah River (Figure 1 )
The Oyster Bed Jetty was constructed to a length of 12,000 ft with
stone placed upon a timber and brush mat foundation.
Cockspur Jetty was constructed to a length of 12,000 ft with stone
placed upon a timber and brush mat foundation. By 1896 the channel
had been dredged to the design depth of -19 ft mlw. The distance
between the jetties was 2,500 ft.
ft mlw
A survey of Oyster Bed Jetty showed crest elevations from
nearshore to -2 ft mlw at 10,000 ft and from -4 to -8 ft mlw over
the seaward 2,000 ft. Planned improvements called for raising the
by placing small stone over the ex-
jetty to mean high water
isting stone with larger stone used as cover and design side slopes
Part of Oyster Bed Jetty was raised to mhw.
A survey of Cockspur Jetty showed the shoreward 2,000 ft at about
ft mlw, the next 9,000 ft from
ft mlw, and the
seaward 1,000 ft from -4 to -8 ft mlw. A survey of Oyster Bed Jetty
ft: mlw. The
showed the first: 6,000 ft of the jetty at
outer unimproved portion of the jetty composed of small stone had
subsided from 1 to 3 ft since the 1914 survey.
The outer portion of Oyster Bed Jetty was raised to mhw. Design im-
provements consisted of a crest elevation of
width of 8 ft, and side slopes of
The cross section con-
0 . A post
sisted of core stone with large cover stone (Figure 2 )
construction survey showed the seaward end of the jetty, with
side slopes, was the only section with side
slopes exceeding the design value.
During a survey of Oyster Bed Jetty, crest elevations varied from
ft mlw over the entire length.
The Oyster Bed and Cockspur Jetties were surveyed. There were no
major areas of damage and only negligible subsidence when compared
to previous surveys of 1921 and 1926. Between the 1921 and 1935
surveys 500 ft of Cockspur Jetty, 500 ft from the original seaward