8 Input Requirements and
Program Output for SAM.yld
SAM.yld provides hydraulic design engineers a systematic method for rapidly
calculating bed-material sediment yield. This chapter will address the input data
requirements and discuss the associated output.
SAM.yld calculates sediment yield passing a cross-section during a specified
period of time. The time period considered can be a single flood event or an
entire year. In SAM.yld the flow can be specified by either a hydrograph or a
flow duration curve. The sediment rating curve can be specified either as
sediment discharge versus water discharge or as sediment concentration versus
water discharge. Calculations are based on the flow-duration sediment-discharge
rating curve method (EM 1110-2-4000 USACE 1989).
The SAM.yld module expects an input file designated as xxxxxxxx.yi, where x
can be any DOS acceptable character, including a space (but no embedded
spaces), i.e., acceptable file names could be say.yi or ITSNEVER.YI. SAM.yld
will write a corresponding file xxxxxxxx.yo, which is the output file. There is no
plot output. SAM.yld input screens are accessed as shown in Figure 8.1.
Figure 8.1. Accessing the Sediment Yield Input Screen
Chapter 8
Input Requirements and Program Output for SAM.yld