Input File Description
STWAVE has four input files. These files specify model parameters,
bathymetry, incident wave spectra, and current fields. The current field file is
optional and required only if the wave-current interaction is specified. The other
three files are required. The input files are most easily generated using the SMS
interface discussed in Chapter 5, but may also be generated using an editor or
other programs. File formats for the input files must remain the same, regardless
of how the files are generated. Parameter names starting with "N," "I," or "J"
indicate integer parameter values are required. All other names indicate real
parameter values. A schematic of the STWAVE input and output files is given in
Figure 4.
Model Input
Model Output
Selected Wave
Selected Wave
Model Parameters
Fields of Wave Height,
Period, and Direction
Incident Wave Spectra
Stress Gradients
Wind, and Water Levels
Current Fields
Fields of Breaker Indices
Figure 4. STWAVE input and output files
Model Parameters
The model-parameter file specifies options for running STWAVE and special
output points. The first line of the model parameter file, read using free format
Chapter 3 Input File Description