SED2D-WES Version 4.3 Beta
Compiling SED2D-WES
SED2D-WES is a FORTRAN program that can be compiled on any computer where a FORTRAN compiler
resides. The exact command for compiling SED2D-WES on your computer will depend upon the brand of your
compiler. In general, Unix based computers will use a command similar to the following:
f77 -o sed2dv43.exe -O4 -static sed2dv43.f
where "-o" is a flag to set the filename of the executable file," -O4" is an optimization flag (this happens to be the
default optimization flag for DEC FORTRAN), "-static" is a flag that causes all local variables to be statically
allocated (this is the same as the "SAVE" flag for some PC compilers), and sed2dv43.f is the name of the source
file. The source file contains an "INCLUDE" statement which will require the presence of the file "sed2dv40.inc"
The file "sed2dv40.inc" contains the global variable
declarations for SED2D-WES Version 4.3. In particular, the array sizes (the number of nodes and elements
permitted) are set in this file. For large grids, you may need to increase the array sizes and recompile the program
in order to successfully run your application. If you need help with this process contact the TABS-MD consultants
at "tabs@hl.wes.army.mil".
Running SED2D-WES
What follows is an example interactive session for a "coldstart" run from an IBM compatible computer running the
MS-DOS operating system. This example uses the "madora" example problem that is described in the FastTABS
and the SMS users manuals. The required data files for this example problem are supplied with the SED2D-WES
source files. It is assumed that the user has already run GFGEN and RMA2 prior to executing the SED2D-WES
program. The GFGEN input file is "madora.geo". Run GFGEN to generate a binary geometry file called
"madora.gbn". The RMA2-WES input file is "madora.bc". The RMA2-WES alternate boundary condition file is
"madora.abc". Run RMA2-WES to generate a binary hydrodynamic solution file called "madora.sol". Now you
are ready to run SED2D-WES. Assume that the executable file, "sed2dv43.exe", and all of the required data files
reside in the directory "C:\SED2D\". The program is launched by entering "sed2dv43.exe" at the DOS prompt.
Responses to the screen queries should be as follows:
- save as requested
- do not save file
- stop program, now