SED2D-WES Version 4.3 Beta
implementation is provided as a convenience to allow the user to efficiently utilize the benefits of 1D elements
in RMA2 for ease of domain discretization and boundary condition placement.
The 1D capability in SED2D-WES is not meant to give the ability to seriously model sediment transport
as an alternative to HEC-6, for example, which is a fully developed 1D sediment model This simply allows for use
of the benefits of simplified schematization.
The current formulation incorporates 1D junctions, and transitions to 2D elements. The formulation for
control structures is not fully operational at this time.
Introduction to Program Use
SED2D-WES can be used by engineers and scientists to solve sediment transport problems that are
satisfactorily described as unsteady, suspended transport in two horizontal dimensions with bed interaction. Users
are cautioned that the program is relatively easy to use but somewhat more difficult to use properly. Persons using
the program are assumed to be familiar with using a computer system. Knowledge of basic concepts in numerical
methods is necessary. It is essential that the user possess considerable knowledge of hydraulic and sedimentation
processes and that he or she understand the computer program and its proper use. At least one person on the
modeling team should be familiar with the prototype system being modeled. In order to supply data to the model,
verify the model, and understand the model results it is usually necessary to undertake a complimentary data
collection program. The adage "Garbage in, garbage out" applies here.
Use of the Modeling System
As mentioned previously, SED2D-WES requires that hydrodynamic data be externally supplied, usually
by a numerical hydrodynamic model. The TABS-MD modeling sytem has been designed to satisfy this and other
needs for a comprehensive modeling package. TABS-MD consists of RMA2-WES, a general purpose program for
hydrodynamic modeling, in addition to SED2D-WES and a number of utility programs that develop input,
translate data, analyze output, and provide graphical output from the models. Refer to the TABS-MD World Wide
Web homepage for more information (http://hlnet.wes.army.mil/software/tabs/tabs.htm).
Input/Output Files for Executing SED2D-WES
SED2D-WES Version 1.1 is a FORTRAN program.
It is compiled prior to execution time.
assignment of file names for all of the input and output files required by the program is accomplished interactively.
Once the program is launched, the user will be queried (on the computer screen) to supply the names of the input