SED2D-WES Version 4.3 Beta
STUDH did not perform ongoing consolidation. Rather, the age was specified and at the beginning of the
simulation the parameters were computed. This strategy worked well when simulations were always relatively
short because of historical limitations of computer resources. However, as computing power has evolved we now
have included active consolidation during the model simulation. The present change in density with time is
governed by the following equations:
ρ = ρ f - ρ f - ρi e - βt
ρ = time - varying characteristic of density
ρe = density at some reference end time
ρf = final ultimate density = 1000 kg/m3 default
to = starting time = zero
te = reference end time
t = time
β = consolidation coefficient, 1/sec
The consolidation coefficient β is computed from user input for initial density and density at the reference time by
solving Equation 18 for β.
ρe - ρi
β = - ln1 -
t e ρ f - ρi
The bulk shear strength, QS, of the deposits is related to the density by the relation ship
ln(QSi ) - ln(QSe )
QSe ρe
= ⇒α =
ln(ρi ) - ln(ρe )
QSi ρi
were α is solved from these reference values above and the general form is obtained by replacing Qse and ρe with
the time-varying values of each.