8.0 Additional Observations and Measurements of Failing Structures During Static
and Dynamic Tests
Observations and measurements of any structural damage, such as material breakage,
fatigue, component failure, and an estimated fill loss will be made. Three repairs of the
IFFS will be allowed during the test series as will be described in Section 11. This allows
an evaluation of the expediency of the repair, method used, and integrity of the repair.
9.0 Static Overtopping
Static overtopping will be caused to occur at a riverside water level equal to 100% of
structure height plus one inch (IFFS height is below 3.75 feet), and the results of the
overtopping with time will be recorded and evaluated. Water level on the flood (wet)
side of the IFFS will be slowly raised until the depth of flow over the structure is one inch
(depth of water several feet out from the structure will be approximately four inches
greater than structure height). Pumps on the dry side of the IFFS will return the water to
the basin to maintain a constant head in the basin and to keep the water level on the dry
side of the IFFS as low as practical.
This overtopping test will proceed for one hour
after steady state conditions are achieved or until failure occurs. If the structure floats up
the water will be raised to the appropriate elevation and the pumping will begin even
though no overtopping occurs. The performance of IFFS during overtopping includes
recording the movement of the structure, and observation from one or more video
10.0 Debris Impact Test
Following the overtopping test, the vendor will have the opportunity, if desired, to
remove all of the water from the basins and to rebuild the IFFS to its original condition
before the static, dynamic, and overtopping tests. The reconstruction procedure should
be the same as the construction before static loading tests. The water level will be filled
to a height of 66-2/3 % of the height of the IFFS, and the debris impact test will be
performed (Attachment 3). The purpose of this test is to evaluate the structural response
of the IFFS to a simulated debris load. The IFFS will be struck with two different
floating logs. A log will be pulled into the IFFS using an electric winch system to