11.2 Dynamic Test/Repair Description:
During a dynamic test, the water level will be raised to an elevation corresponding to
either 66.7% x h or 80% x h. For each water elevation, three different wave magnitudes
(3 in, 7 in to 9 in, and 10 in to 13 in) will be allowed to impact the structure. The first
wave height will run for seven hours, followed by the second wave height for 30 min
(three 10 minute packets), followed by the third wave height for 10 minutes (one 10
minute packets) (See Attachment 2). Repairs will only be allowed after first wave height
is completed and after the third wave height is completed for the elevation being tested.
11.3 Over topping Test/Repairs:
There is no need to do a minor repair after the overtopping test is completed, because the
levee must be repaired to its original condition preceding the log impact test. This repair
is not counted as one of the three minor repairs. A maximum of 8 hours will be allowed
for this repair with no limit on the number of personnel. This repair will be the
responsibility of the product vendor. The method of construction should be consistent
with the original method without any modification.
11.4 Review of the three repairs allowed and when they may be performed:
In summary, three minor repairs are allowed and can be performed out of 7 different
times of opportunity as shown in Table 1. After the overtopping test, vendor may need to
do repair or rebuild if necessary for debris impact test. All of the repair materials must be
on site to make the needed repairs in and at the times specified. Repairs must be made
from like materials or repair kits for the structure.
12.0 Environmental Evaluation
Material that will be used for the construction of protective barriers will be required to
have an MSDS attached if it is required by the properties of the material. The MSDS will
provide information as to the chemical make-up and physical properties of the material.
The Environmental Lab (EL) will review the MSDS and determine if the material will
pose any environmental risk when place on or in the protective barrier. Also the EL will