priority by the selection committee consisting of representatives from District offices and
other federal agencies, testing will likely be performed at government expense.
3.0 Selection Criteria
At present there are a variety of products available or entering the market for expedient
flood fighting structures. The selection committee will invite and query vendors as to
their interest in participation in the testing program. Time and labor constraint will not
permit testing of every available product. In order to qualify for the testing the vendor
a) Provide an analytical study of the "structural integrity" of the product under flood
loading. The functionality must be supported by sound engineering and physics
principles. As a minimum, calculations should be provided for sliding, uplift,
overturning, required tie down configuration per unit length of structure, and stake pull
out strength. All of the above should be calculated for static, dynamic impact and
wave conditions.
b) Provide the cost per 100 feet of flood-fighting product, including tie downs, stakes,
geo-textiles, membranes, sandbags, and other associated materials as required for an
in- place system of a typical height placed on soil, rock, and concrete surfaces. Include
an estimate of installation man-hours required per 100 feet of flood-fight product.
c) Provide list of materials, tools, and construction sketch needed to build the flood-fight
structure, including tie downs or other anchors and how this will be performed in soils,
concrete and asphalt concrete foundations.
d) Complete description of procedures for construction of the flood fight system, with
detailed information including, but not limited to, the basic unit assembly, connection
of individual units, description of all anchors, tie downs, strapping, etc., to form the
complete system.
e) Provide accurate information to address environmental concerns for the product in the
unused state, and also provide information on any environmental issues related to the
product after it is used and potentially contaminated by floodwater (i.e. procedures for
disposal of a potentially contaminated flood-fight structure). Explain in detail how the
unit is to be taken apart and stored. If the unit is filled with a material (gas, liquid,