12 June 2002
The Beachbuilder continued dredging operations in Reach 2 upstream of the
hard point on 12 June. The central section of the dustpan head was found to be
plugged with several logs when checked at 0730 hr. The logs were finally
extracted with a chain and hoist, and operations continued. Dredging was gen-
erally conducted in the RDB half of the channel with cut-face thicknesses rang-
ing from 2 to 8 ft. Operations were interrupted for anchor movement, addition of
shore line at the placement area, and vessel traffic passage. Downtime totaled
5 hr 30 min, including repositioning dredge nine times (1 hr 10 min), raising and
adding shore line (1 hr 35 min), and cleaning the clay and timber from two center
pans (2 hr 45 min).
13 June 2002
The last day of dredging operations was 13 June. The Beachbuilder worked
in Reach 2 upstream of the hard point. Cut-face thicknesses ranged from 5 to 9 ft.
Downtime for the day totaled 6 hr 15 min, including cleaning clay from pan
(2 hr), repositioning the dredge five times for a total of 50 min, time to un-snag
anchor wire from floating hose (1 hr 20 min), and vessel traffic (35 min). During
a late afternoon inspection of the placement area, USACE and OAS personnel
discovered several least tern and American avocet nests containing eggs. The
nests had been constructed some distance from the active placement point and
were not being disturbed. Dredging operations were terminated at 2100 hr on
13 June when the contract dredging period was completed.
Weeks Marine immediately initiated project demobilization. Anchors were
removed. The submerged line was recovered, and the shore line across the dike
and in the placement area was removed. The two marsh buggies initiated final
grading of the placement area. On 14 June, operations in the placement area were
terminated at the request of the MVN due to the numerous bird nests discovered
in the area. There was concern that the operations might destroy some of the
The dike right-of-way area was regraded and the rock dike repaired. After-
dredging surveys of the work areas in the river channel and the placement area in
the marsh were conducted. All vessels, equipment, and personnel were demobi-
lized from the site.
Chapter 2
Project Description