project. They worked both immediately upstream and downstream of the area
being dredged by the Beachbuilder. They discharged at the head of Pass A
Loutre. No interference between the two operations was noted other than the
requested shift from Reach 1 on 6 June noted above.
9 June 2002
Dredging operations continued on 9 June. A malfunctioning sensor resulted
in main engine shutdown five times for a total downtime of 50 min during the
early morning hours. This problem was resolved by 1200 hr.
Additional downtime resulted from adding shore pipe (2 hr 25 min lost time)
and cleaning out pans clogged with clay (2 hr 5 min lost time). Day-to-day
hydrographic surveys showed that the channel bottom shifted rapidly, which
made accurate production rates hard to determine; therefore, it was determined
that the surveyed placement area volume would provide the most accurate
measure of dredge production. Total lost time for 9 June was 8 hr 30 min. The
sensor for the velocity meter malfunctioned and was replaced. The average cut
face ranged from 5 to 6 ft thick on 9 June 2002.
10 June 2002
On 10 June, the Beachbuilder continued dredging operations in Reach 2. In
the morning, the dredge was tracked into the RDB side toe of the channel
resulting in the plugging of the port side of the dustpan head with heavy clay.
After dark, the dredge operated on the RDB side of the channel to optimize safe
operating conditions. Downtime totaled 8 hr 40 min, including adding seven
lengths of shore line (3 hr 40 min), ship vessel traffic (1 hr 20 min), moving
anchors (55 min), cleaning clay out of pans (1 hr 20 min), and repositioning the
dredge eight times (50 min). Two deep-draft vessels passed abreast of the work
area at 1740 hr. The cut-face thickness ranged from 2 to 6 ft.
11 June 2002
On 11 June, the Beachbuilder continued dredging operations in Reach 2.
Shoaled areas across the channel width identified from surveys conducted on
10 June were dredged making short, parallel advances from the RDB side to the
LDB side across the areas. Cut-face thicknesses ranged from 4 to 10 ft. After
dark the dredge operated further on the RDB side of the channel to optimize safe
operating conditions. Total downtime during this day was 7 hr 20 min, which
included repositioning the dredge nine times (1 hr 50 min), adding shore pipe
(4 hr 15 min), and cleaning out a massive log from ladder pump (20 min). Two
deep-draft vessels passed abreast of the work area at 0530 hr.
Chapter 2
Project Description