Hydrographic Charts
Hydrographic charts are available for a small fee for all U.S. coastal waters. These provide information
on water depths and fetch lengths to determine exposure of a site to wave action. Identification of a specific
chart and important information about the available chart series are in the following Nautical Catalogs.
(WARNING! The accuracy of the following information has not been verified since the original publication of
this document.)
Catalog No. 1 - Atlantic and Gulf Coasts
Catalog No. 2 - Pacific Coast and Hawaii
Catalog No. 3 - Alaska
Catalog No. 4 - Great Lakes
For information or mail orders write to:
Distribution Division, C44
National Ocean Survey
Riverdale, Maryland 20840
Counter sales are also available at that location as well as regional offices of the National Ocean Survey at:
439 West York Street
Norfolk, Virginia 23510 and
1801 Fairview Avenue East
Seattle, Washington 90102
Charts can also be obtained from the U. S. Coast Guard at the
locations below.
3rd District
Governors Island
New York, New York 10004
9th District
1240 East 9th Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44199
Water Levels
Tide Tables are available for all coastal areas of the United States. These contain predictions of high and
low tide elevations and their time of occurrence for one calendar year at primary tide stations. Values of time