The fastest-mile wind speed for the site is:
10-year: 65 mph
Fetch lengths at the site were displayed earlier on Figure 17. This is reproduced as figure 92 for the
convenience of the reader.
Fetch Line 1
Length: 2.80 nm x 1.15 = 3.22 mi
2.80 nm x 6080 = 17, 025 ft
Average Depth: 7.2 ft at MLW
10.8 ft at design Stillwater level
Fetch Line 2
Length: 2.10 nm x 1.15 = 2.41 mi
2.10 nm x 6080 = 12,770 ft
Average Depth: 11.6 ft at MLW
15.2 ft at design Stillwater level
Using tables 5 to 9, or equations 5 and 6, find the design wave height and period (10 year return period).