Boulevard. The approximate locations of scattered rocks as identified by commercial fisherman are shown
as well. In all but one case, the symbol reflects the general location of such rocks, the extent is not known.
One offshore area, generally south of Cassidy Street, where scattered rock was identified by commercial
fisherman was investigated further for potential indirect impacts related to model-predicted persistent sand
deposition. Figure 4.4-1 shows both the scattered rock symbol and the substrate mapped based on the
side-scan sonar and dive effort in early 2000. The evaluation of indirect impacts to this substrate is
addressed under sediment transport impacts.
Most sedentary or slow moving marine animals within the footprint area would be killed from burial and
construction. Direct impacts would not be significant because of rapid recolonization of the habitat and the
absence of sensitive species. Significant impacts to grunion would be avoided by the process established
in Section 2.5 and summarized briefly above.
North Carlsbad. The footprint of the receiver site would be approximately 29 acres with 240,000 cy.
Sand and cobble occur throughout the site although only the larger areas with greater percent sand cover
are illustrated in Figure 4.4-2. Similar to the summary for the South Oceanside receiver site, direct impacts
to marine life within the footprint of the fill would not be significant, and no significant impacts to grunion
are anticipated.
South Carlsbad North. A total of 160,000 cy would fill a footprint of approximately 21 acres. Sand and
cobble occur throughout the site (Figure 4.4-3) although the cobble pattern at the northern end is less dense
(less than 30 percent cover). Similar to the summary for the Oceanside receiver site, direct impacts to
marine life within the footprint of the fill would be less than significant and no significant impacts to grunion
are anticipated.
Batiquitos. The footprint at this receiver would be approximately 22 acres and up to 118,000 cy would
be placed at the site. The footprint and nearby resources are shown in Figure 4.4-4. Sand and cobble
occur throughout the site. As with the other receiver sites, direct impacts to marine life would not be
significant and no significant impacts to California grunion are anticipated.
Leucadia. The Leucadia footprint would be approximately 13 acres and involve 130,000 cy. Sand and
cobble occur within the site as well as a few localized rocks without marine life (refer to Figure 4.4-5).
Patches of surfgrass are located outside the footprint. As with the other receiver sites, direct impacts to
marine life would not be significant and no significant impacts to California grunion are anticipated.
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Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
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