4.3 Water Resources
As shown in Table 2-6, there would be longer construction periods for several receiver and borrow sites
when compared to Alternative 2a. Although the construction period would be longer at these receiver and
borrow sites, the same construction practices (e.g., training dikes) and monitoring would be performed.
Construction would also still be short-term, and no significant impacts to water quality would result with
implementationofthis alternative. Some monitoring would be required consistent with the RWQCB permit.
No Action Alternative
As no dredging or replenishment activities are proposed under this alternative. No change to water quality
would result, and no mitigation measures would be necessary.
Page 4.3-10
Regional Beach Sand Project EIR/EA
99-69\SANDAG EIREA 4.1 to 4.13.wpd 7/17/00